Nursing Care Plan for Hallucination
Nursing Diagnosis : Social Isolation: withdrawal related to Low Self-esteem
Goal : Patients can connect with other people in stages .
Nursing Diagnosis : Social Isolation: withdrawal related to Low Self-esteem
Goal : Patients can connect with other people in stages .
- Patients can mention coping can be used .
- Patients can mention the effectiveness of coping used .
- Patients are able to begin to evaluate themselves .
- patients are able to make a realistic plan in accordance with the existing capabilities at him .
- Patients are responsible for any action taken in accordance with the plan to .
- Encourage the patient to mention the positive aspects in him physically .
- Discuss with the patient about his expectations .
- Discuss with patients who stand out for their skills at home and in the hospital .
- Give compliments .
- Identify the problems being faced by patients
- Discuss coping used by the patient .
- Discuss effective coping strategies for patients .
- Stressor identification with the patient and how the patient penialian to stressors .
- Explain that the patient confidence to stressors affect the mind and behavior .
- Together with the patient identification illustrate the belief that the goal is not realistic .
- Together with the identification of patients coping strengths and resources owned
- Show me the concept of success and failure with a suitable perception .
- Discuss adaptive and maladaptive coping .
- Discuss and losses due to maladaptive coping responses .
- Help the patient to understand that the only patients who can transform themselves not others
- Encourage the patient to formulate plans / objectives themselves ( not a nurse ) .
- Discuss the consequences and realities of planning / goal .
- Help the patient to clearly menetpkan changes expected .
- Encourage the patient to begin a new experience to develop according to the existing potential in him .