Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention

Pulmonary Tuberculosis Nanda Nursing Diagnosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious disease caused by a bacteria known as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB generally affects the lungs, but it also can invade other organs of the body, like the brain, kidneys and lymphatic system.

TB is spread through coughing, sneezing, and spitting. Only a small amount of inhaled germs are needed to become infected, however prolonged exposure to someone else who has TB is the easiest way to get the disease. Those who have a weakened immune system are even more at risk.

Many people who are infected with TB have few or no symptoms at all, at least in the beginning. Some people develop symptoms slowly, over time, and pay little attention to them until the disease has reached the advanced stages. When symptoms do appear, they generally include:
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • cough with purulent and/or bloody sputum
  • night sweats
  • low-grade fever that occurs mostly in the afternoon
  • lethargy
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Nursing Diagnosis - NANDA

a. Ineffective airway clearance

related to viscous secretions or blood secretions, weakness, poor cough effort, edema, tracheal / pharyngeal.

b. Impaired Gas Exchange

related to the reduced effectiveness of the surface of the lung, atelectasis, alveolar capillary membrane damage, thick secretions, bronchial edema.

c. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements

related to fatigue, frequent coughing, the sputum production, dyspnea, anorexia, decreased financial capabilities.

d. Acute pain

related to lung inflammation, persistent cough.

e. Hyperthermia

related to active inflammatory process.

f. Intolerance Activity

related to the imbalance between supply and oxygen demand.

g. Knowledge Deficit : about conditions, treatments, prevention

associated with no one to explain, the interpretation is wrong, the information obtained is incomplete / inaccurate, lack of knowledge / cognitive

h. Risk for the spread of infection / re-infection activity related to inadequate primary defenses, decreased ciliary function / static secretions, tissue damage caused by the spread of infection, malnutrition, environmental contamination, lack of information about the bacterial infection.

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