Nursing Diagnosis for Anthrax
1. Ineffective Airway Clearance related to airway obstruction
characterized by: audible stridor, dyspnea, cough with purulent sputum, radiological examination looks mediastinal widening, pleural effusion.
2. Ineffective breathing pattern related to decreased lung expansion
characterized by: dyspnea, use of accessory muscles, increased respiration.
3. Acute pain related to the injury of biological agents
characterized by: the client complains of pain, dyspnea, rapid pulse, looked nervous.
4. Impaired swallowing related to mechanical obstruction (oropharyngeal edema)
characterized by: the client indicates difficulty in swallowing, complain of pain when swallowing.
5. Constipation related to decreased motility of the GI tract
characterized by: the client said it was difficult defecation, hypoactive bowel sounds, presence of blood in stools, hard stools.
6. Diarrhea related to an increase in GI motility
characterized by: liquid bowel movements difficult and more than 3 times / day, hyperactive bowel sounds and abdominal pain.
7. Impaired Skin Integrity related to irritant toxin anthrax bacteria
characterized by: The primary skin lesions are not painful and itchy papules, vesicles containing fluid jerni, vesicles give rise eskar central necrosis (necrotic ulcer) surrounded by edema distinctive black and purple vesicles.
8. Hyperthermia related to increased metabolic
characterized by: an increase in body temperature above the normal range (36.5 to 37.5), resipiirasi increased, and red skin.