Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention

Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis

Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis
Clinical Manifestations of Appendicitis

  • Right lower quadrant pain felt and is usually accompanied by mild fever, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
  • Local tenderness at the point Mc.burney, when done pressure.
  • Tenderness may be encountered off.
  • The degree of muscle spasm and tenderness if there is constipation or diarrhea are not depending on the severity of the infection and the location of the appendix.
  • If the appendix behind the caecum circular, pain and tenderness can feel the lumbar region: when the tip is in the pelvis, these signs can be detected only by examination of the rectal examination.
  • Pain on defecation show ends appendix is near the rectum; pain during urination indicates that the tip of the appendix is close to the bladder or ureter.
  • There is stiffness in the bottom of the right testis muscles can occur.
  • Signs Rovsing can arise with left lower quadrant palpation paradoxical that causes pain felt in the lower right quadrant. If paralytic ileus, and the patient's condition deteriorated.
  • In elderly patients, the signs and symptoms of appendicitis can vary greatly. The signs can be very dubious, suggesting destruction of the bowel or other disease processes. Patients may have no symptoms until he suffered a ruptured appendix. The incidence of perforation of the appendix is higher in the elderly, because many of these patients do not seek medical care as soon as patients are younger.
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