Nursing Management of Varicella
Patients should be isolated from others, as well as for their daily needs. such as:
- Isolation to prevent transmission.
- Nutritious diet (high in calories and protein).
- If a high fever, compress with warm water.
- Strive to avoid infection of the skin such as the provision of antiseptic in the water.
- Strive to vesicles did not rupture
- Do not scratch the vesicles.
- Long nails should not be allowed.
- If want to dry off, just a towel on the skin and do not rub.
The provision of drugs to reduce symptoms such as itching, fever, weight is required in order to reduce the level of disease. Antiviral drug, is recommended within 48 hours of patients complaining of symptoms of varicella.
Giving varicella zooster immuno-globulin (VZIG) is given less than 96 hours after exposure, namely on:
- Women with pregnancy.
- Children with impaired immune systems.
- Newborns whose mothers contracted varicella within 5 days before delivery or 48 hours after birth.
- Premature infants 28 weeks of age or younger with a parent without a history of previous varicella.