Nursing Interventions for Delusional Disorders
- In dealing with the patient, be direct, straightforward, and dependable. Whenever possible, elicit his feedback. Move slowly, with a matter-of-fact manner, and respond without anger or defensiveness to his hostile remarks.
- Accept the patient's delusional system. Don't attempt to argue with him about what's real.
- Respect the patient's privacy and space needs. Avoid touching him unnecessarily.
- Take steps to reduce social isolation, if the patient allows. Gradually increase social contacts after he has become comfortable with the staff.
- Watch for refusal of medication or food, resulting from the patient's irrational fear of poisoning.
- Monitor the patient carefully for adverse effects of neuroleptic drugs: drug-induced parkinsonism, acute dystonia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, and malignant neuroleptic syndrome.