Tips to overcome nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Some tips to help you cope with "morning sickness" or nausea-vomiting during early pregnancy:
A. Eat small amounts, but often, do not eat in large quantities or portions, will only make you grow sick. Try to eat when you should eat small meals but frequently.
2. Eating foods high in carbohydrates and protein that can help overcome your nausea. Many fruit and vegetables and foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, biscuit, etc..
3. In the morning when you wake up, do not jump to hasty wake up, try to sit first, and only slowly stood up. If you feel very sick when you wake up in the morning prepare snack or biscuit near your bed, and you can eat it before you try to stand.
4. Avoid fatty foods, oily and spicy foods that will aggravate your nausea.
5. Drink enough to avoid dehydration from vomiting. Drink water, or juice. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and carbonates.
6. Prenatal vitamins sometimes exacerbate nausea, but you still need folate for pregnancy is. If nausea and vomiting is very severe, consult your doctor so that it can be given the best advice for vitamins that you will consume. And your doctor will probably provide a cure for nausea when necessary.
7. Vitamin B6 is effective for reducing nausea in pregnant women. Should first consult with your doctor to use.
8. Traditional Treatment: Usually, people use ginger in reducing nausea in a variety of traditional medicine. Research suggests that ginger can be used as traditional medicine to relieve nausea and safe for mother and baby. At some pregnant women who consume fresh ginger or ginger candy to help cope with her nausea.
9. Rest and relax will help you cope with nausea vomiting. Because if you stress will only aggravate your nausea. Uptake time for you! just try to rest and relax, listen to music, reading books or magazines of your favorite baby etc.. Deal with your pregnancy with happiness, because it is grace. :-)
Remember! Call your doctor if nausea and vomiting become so severe, so that you can not eat or drink anything that can lead to lack of fluids / dehydration.
Believe Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy it will pass without you realizing it and this will be one exciting experience during your pregnancy, just think about the little one will be coming soon bring happiness million.