Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge
Vaginal discharge is term given to biological fluids contained within or expelled from the vagina.
While most discharge is normal and can reflect the various stages of a woman's cycle, some discharge can be a result of an infection, such as a sexually transmitted disease.
Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge
- Often using tissue, while washing the female, after urinating or defecating.
- Wearing tight underwear from synthetic materials.
- Often use a dirty toilet.
- Not change the panty liner.
- Rinsing the vagina from the wrong direction. Namely from the anus toward the vagina towards the front.
- Often exchanged briefs / towels with others.
- Less maintain the cleanliness of the vagina.
- Exhaustion.
- Stress.
- Not immediately replace the pads during menstruation.
- Wearing any soap to wash the vagina.
- Not leading a healthy lifestyle (eat irregularly, never exercise, slept less).
- Living in the humid tropics.
- Environmental sanitation is dirty.
- Often with warm water bath and heat. The fungus that causes vaginal discharge is more likely to grow in warm conditions.
- Frequently change partners in sex.
- High blood sugar levels.
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Frequent scratching vagina.