Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention

9 Tips to overcome nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

9 Tips to overcome nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
Tips to overcome nausea and vomiting during pregnancy Some tips to help you cope with "morning sickness" or nausea-vomiting during early pregnancy: A. Eat small amounts, but often, do not eat in large quantities or portions, will only make you grow sick. Try...

Nursing Diagnosis for Impetigo

Nursing Diagnosis for Impetigo
Nursing Diagnosis for Impetigo Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial skin infection most common among pre-school children. People who play close contact sports such as rugby, American football and wrestling are also susceptible, regardless of age. Impetigo...

Nursing Diagnosis for Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip

Nursing Diagnosis for Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip
Nursing Care Plan for Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip - Nursing Diagnosis for Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip Congenital dislocation or subluxation of the hip (congenital acetabular dysplasia) is a complete or partial displacement of the femoral head out...

4 Nursing Diagnosis for Scoliosis

4 Nursing Diagnosis for Scoliosis
Nursing Diagnosis for Scoliosis Scoliosis affects 2% of women and 0.5% of men in the general population. There are many Causes of scoliosis, congenital spine deformities Including, genetic conditions, neuromuscular problems and limb length inequality. Other...

Impaired Physical Mobility Nursing Care Plan Scoliosis

Impaired Physical Mobility Nursing Care Plan Scoliosis
Impaired Physical Mobility Nanda Definition: a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the state in the which an individual has a Limitation in independent, purposeful physical movement of the body or of one...

Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Infection - Tuberculosis NCP

Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Infection - Tuberculosis NCP
Nursing Care Plan for Tuberculosis Nursing Diagnosis : Risk for Infection related to lack of knowledge in order to avoid exposure of pathogens. Expected outcomes are: Lowers the risk of spreading infection Nursing Interventions Risk for Infection - Tuberculosis...

Knowledge Deficit related to Tuberculosis

Knowledge Deficit related to Tuberculosis
Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions - Knowledge Deficit related to Tuberculosis Nursing Diagnosis for TB Tuberculosis: Knowledge Deficit: about the conditions, actions, and prevention related to inaccurate and incomplete information. Expected outcomes are: Said...

Ineffective Airway Clearance related to Tuberculosis

Ineffective Airway Clearance related to Tuberculosis
Ineffective Airway Clearance related to Tuberculosis Nursing Diagnosis for TB Tuberculosis: Ineffective airway clearance related to thick secretions or blood secretions. Expected outcomes are: Maintain the patient's airway Removing secretions without help Nursing...

Prevention of Vaginal Discharge in Women

Prevention of Vaginal Discharge in Women
Prevention of Vaginal Discharge in Women Vaginal discharge is a problem that has long been a problem for women. Not many women who know what a vaginal discharge, and sometimes underestimate the problem of vaginal discharge. Though Vaginal discharge can not...

Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge

Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge
Common Causes of Vaginal Discharge Vaginal discharge is term given to biological fluids contained within or expelled from the vagina. While most discharge is normal and can reflect the various stages of a woman's cycle, some discharge can be a result of an...

Nursing Care Plan for Acute Otitis Media

Nursing Care Plan for Acute Otitis Media
Nursing Diagnosis for Acute Otitis Media and Nursing Interventions for Acute Otitis Media Nursing Assessment for Acute Otitis Media Assess the presence of pain behaviors: verbal and non-verbal. Assess the increase in temperature (an indication of the infection...

Pathophysiology of Acute Otitis Media

Pathophysiology of Acute Otitis Media
Pathophysiology of Acute Otitis Media Acute otitis media is often preceded by respiratory tract infections such as sore throats / colds that spread to the middle ear through the eustachian channel. When the bacteria through the eustachian, the bacteria can cause...

Nursing Care Plan for Osteomyelitis

Nursing Care Plan for Osteomyelitis
Nursing Care Plan for Osteomyelitis : Nursing Diagnosis for Osteomyelitis and Nursing Interventions for Osteomyelitis Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone. It can be caused by a variety of microbial agents (most common in staphylococcus aureus) and situations,...

5 Nursing Diagnosis for Tonsillitis

5 Nursing Diagnosis for Tonsillitis
Nursing Care Plan for Tonsillitis - Nursing Diagnosis for Tonsillitis Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils.The inflammation may involve other areas of the back of the throat including the adenoids and the lingual tonsils.The tonsils are...

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions Anxiety related to CHF

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions Anxiety related to CHF
Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions Anxiety related to CHF Nursing Care Plan for CHF Nursing Diagnosis: Anxiety related to fear of cardiovascular death, decreased health status, a crisis situation, health changes. Goal: Overcome anxiety Expected outcomes...

Nursing Intervention for Osteoporosis

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis for Osteoporosis Chronic pain Disturbed body image Self-care deficit Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements Impaired physical mobility Risk for impaired skin integrity Risk for injury Source :

Deficient Fluid Volume related to Peritonitis

Deficient Fluid Volume related to Peritonitis
Nursing Diagnosis : Deficient Fluid Volume - Nursing Care Plan for Peritonitis Deficient Fluid Volume NANDA Definition: Decreased intravascular, interstitial, and/or intracellular fluid. This refers to dehydration, water loss alone without change in sodium Peritonitis...

Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Skin Integrity related to Acne

Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Skin Integrity related to Acne
Nursing Diagnosis Impaired Skin Integrity related to Acne Impaired Skin Integrity Altered epidermis and/or dermis: Invasion of body structures, destruction of skin layers (dermis), and disruption of skin surface (epidermis).   Acne Acne is an infection...

Disturbed Body Image related to Acne

Disturbed Body Image related to Acne
Disturbed Body Image Definition : Confusion in mental picture of one's physical self Defining Characteristics: Nonverbal response to actual or perceived change in structure and/or function; verbalization of feelings that reflect an altered view of one's...

Pediatric Surgery - Ashcraft's Pediatric Surgery, 5e

Acclaimed for its unsurpassed readability and manageable scope, Ashcraft's Pediatric Surgery presents authoritative, practical guidance on treating the entire range of surgical problems in infants, children, and adolescents. The new 5th Edition continues this...

Acute Pain related to Cesarean Section - Nursing Interventions

Acute Pain related to Cesarean Section - Nursing Interventions
Acute Pain related to Cesarean Section Nursing Diagnosis for Cesarean Section: Acute Pain related to physical injury (incision surgery) NOC: patients are able to: Control the pain with the indicators: Know the factors causing pain Know the onset of pain Relief...

Cesarean Section Pain Management

Cesarean Section Pain Management
Cesarean Section Pain Management Pain Management Assess comprehensively about pain, including: location, characteristics and the onset, duration, frequency, quality, intensity / severity of pain, and precipitation factors. Observation of non-verbal cues of discomfort,...

Nursing Interventions for Dengue Fever - Hyperthermia

Nursing Interventions for Dengue Fever - Hyperthermia
Nursing Diagnosis for Dengue Fever : Hyperthermia Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar...

Nursing Diagnosis Acute Pain - Nanda NIC NOC

Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain Chris Pasero and Margo McCaffery Acute Pain NANDA Definition: Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever the person says it does (McCaffery, 1968); an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience arising...
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